Scout SEO Reports (Upgrade)


If you’ve already placed a Scout Reports order, you can still upgrade to the Pro or Prime levels. Select your desired upgrade here, or read more about the upgrades below.

So, you get the data back about the state of a website and you think “OK, so what does this all mean, and how do I convey that to my client?” For many freelancers and agencies, they’re knowledgeable and have the experience to continue one. But for some, understandably, this is like learning a new language. This is where the Pro and Prime Scout Reports come in!

Scout SEO Pro

You’ve already received your Scout Reports (if not, you can order them here), and with our Pro upgrade we will also provide a walkthrough video of the data and our findings, explaining what it all means in layman’s terms for you, that will be easy to relay to your client.

Scout SEO Prime

The Prime upgrade is essentially the same, but rather than a video walkthrough, you can actually schedule a call with us (for up to an hour) to go through things 1-on-1 so you’re fully prepared before you send anything to the client.

With both Pro and Prime, we’ll also prepare the data into the Audit and Sales Presentation template for you too, so you just need to worry about the branding and Terms, and you’re good to go.