Episode #: 24
Hosts / Guest(s): Pete & Jeff
Show Notes
In this episode, we explore the various aspects of choosing the right keywords for SEO and the implications they have for a content strategy and, ultimately, the target business.
The main talking points include:
- The importance of keywords in SEO
- Choosing the Right Keywords
- Keyword Research and Strategy
- Understanding Traffic and Relevance
- Balancing Keyword Difficulty and Search Volume
- Expectations and Misconceptions
Mike Michalowicz – https://mikemichalowicz.com/
Hello and welcome to this episode of the W P Seo show I am your host pete and I’m joined by my friend all the way from California a Mr Jeffrey patch how you do.
Hey Pete I’m good. How are you California that sounds cool when you say I like that I I want to say Dr Dray or Tupac ah I mean the west coast is the best coast as they say you know what I mean.
Ah, California a I think that’s from a song but I might be wrong.
Well, you know I couldn’t possibly comment living literally smack bang in the middle of England I couldn’t be more landlocked in great Britain than where I live so hey I’m not east I’m not west I’m just smack bang in the middle.
Um, you’re as you’re a centrist you’re as central as it comes.
Being called many things but that’s probably not one of them I’ll be honest. Ah so I should say I mean we we did make a conscious decision a few episodes ago not to go into the whole hey I’m your co-host and this is my co-host kind of discussion and then I’ve just realized I I. Introduce myself as the host and didn’t mention that you were also a host and therefore ah does does that make us Hosters or hostes anyway.
Um I don’t know but now I want some hostess cupcakes or something. Do you guys have hostess the products over there in the in the Uk Oh they’re the most delicious Factory Manufactured tree treats you can ever find.
No, we don’t have those ah over here.
so yeah so I did I didn’t mean to to do that and look anybody is like thinking of the on the same sort of trajectory as my brain’s going I’m trying to figure out way of getting Godaddy into the conversation. So I’m being host hosts.
What? No no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, but don’t worry my ego is not her we we can be co-host. You could be the host. It’s it’s it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter I’m just in all honestly I’m so happy that people listen to our podcast.
I Know I know I’m amazed that people get through these ridiculous introductions that we do as well I mean you know.
Yeah I figured they would just drop off right about now and you know, but hey that’s where you we’re just getting the tire kickers out of the way and and if you’re still here. We know you’re dedicated and we love you and we we appreciate you something like that.
Yeah, absolutely absolutely so sorry that wasn’t a snigger not appreciating people by the way that was that was a snigger at at Mr J P yeah absolutely absolutely. So.
Um, no, no our ridiculousness How we don’t know how to start a podcast. Ah.
Diving in now I’m going to premise this episode by saying when we started this podcast which we should have done months if not years before we did. But when we started this show. We kind of said look. We have all of these discussions that we just have in our weekly meetings or sometimes more than that we you know we we chat through through work and it would be great to record some of them and today’s topic is literally one of those conversations and we we’ve just had our weekly team chat we did. Talk about this a little bit but because we knew we were going to be doing a recording we then said well hang on a minute. Let’s stop this right now and record this in a few minutes for the show. So that’s where we are and it’s interesting because the reason we were talking about it is we both had experiences in the last week or ten days or so having chats with different clients completely unconnected but actually talking around the same theme and that’s about choosing the right keywords so that’s that’s where we’re going to go today. Um, and how that fits into a content strategy I guess we might touch on that and yeah, why it’s important for. Your business or your clients businesses to essentially pick your battles correctly in Google so Jeff do you want to start a bit with how you came to this this week and we’ll go from there.
Yeah I was going to say excuse me ah slightly different I kind of get inspired by like discussions I’ll have with clients or leads and things like that and and you know that’ll be like oh hey, this is something I want to talk about more because I just had this great conversation with somebody and. But like you said same thing piggyback off a lot of things we’re doing with our team meetings and and whatnot. Um and I’ve been um, the same thing the same the same conversation kind of keeps coming up lately and obviously in the world of Seo. You’re always focused on keywords like hey pun intended focus keywords um, but. But I’ve heard some interesting claims lately and it’s been I’m not sure if I mentioned it a week or so ago but like some of them have been from like former seo people who are now no longer doing seo for some specific clients you know and making claims like oh we ranked you you know to the top. For you know for several keywords it’s like well which keywords which which ones where are they good keywords? are they relevant? Do they get any traffic was it difficult to get there like it’s yeah so I’ve had a lot of inspiration and and don’t want to say frustration but it is a. I kind of wish I could shake some of these people and be like stop telling people this stop saying these type of things stop making these claims and you know and and let’s actually give people the truth and understand what they need to be thinking about when they’re trying to pick the keywords for their you know website or their client’s website or for their project.
Yeah, that makes that makes total sense and there’s ah look part of the part of the issue with this is that I often talk to clients about traffic being a bit of a vanity metric and in that respect. In some respects. It’s not that difficult to get like 100000 people to view a website but to get 1000 people to view a website that want to buy or book or inquire about what it is you do that is a far harder thing to do than just to get eyes on so and of course with with websites you have this whole. Difficulty level to to thrown into the mix with authority and backlinks and site speed and internal links and quality of copy and user intent and you name it so you got it’s quite a muddy picture but I know from the discussion we were having earlier you know that the. This former Seo person had looked at a site that they’d worked on previously. We’ve taken it over and are now critiquing the fact that they’d ranked it in the top few positions for more keywords than we’ve had but actually when we look at the keywords there. Not really relevant to the business. They don’t really have a lot of traffic and we know or we we can be fairly certain that the work we’re doing is going to lead to to better inquiries or more inquiries for the client over a period of time.
Yeah, well the the interesting thing specifically about this 1 unnamed client that we’re talking about is when this person left. They also deleted the content pages that they had done and were getting ranked for. So yeah, surprise surprise we’re not ranking for that. All of a sudden. What do you expect? ah.
Dear me to hear me.
But but here’s the thing and this information’s easy enough to find out there right? I mean there’s all these tools you you can find out what the traffic for keyword is we’re not going to go into tools right now. But if you look for a keyword and it gets a hundred searches a month. That’s only a hundred people that ranking top. You’re probably going to reach you could potentially reach if if the keyword that you’re putting the work in has 1000 searches. Well that’s 10 times stronger and that’s still small fries. So then you go up to you know a keyword that’s in 10 twenty thirty Thousand those are the ones you want to be ranking for and I’m talking about that many times somebody’s.
Per month.
Actually typing that search term in Google right? Yeah per month. So it’s like we you know more or less rank for white label Seo right? But what we’re not ranking for is I don’t think of a stupid example Pete like content plans for low budget clients. Like we’re not, we’re not doing that even though that might be a better one but the traffic for that isn’t going to be as prevalent as whitelab seo does that make any sense I don’t know if that’s a stupid example or not. But yeah, it is a stupid example. Thanks is that was just.
Yeah, well look. It’s It’s yeah, absolutely, that’s the end of the show folks. Um, so no, no, it’s It’s not a stupid example. It’s a good example and it. It’s absolutely the way that you need to think about it.
And when you’re planning the content of the web of a website right? So the discussion I’d had with a client was we’ve worked with a client for a few months they were initially an ads client actually and then they we started doing some seo with them and we got an email this month that this guy had been. Talking to some bloke in the local pub who and his this guy’s theory was that Seo was just a waste of money you were never going to get any leads for it. Your website’s never going to rank so because of that he wanted to cancel Seo Services I’m like dude that’s like the worst advice you could ever ever have. And he’d he’d written it. He didn’t specifically say it but there was this like because it was an email I didn’t know whether he he genuinely had this slightly threatening tone or whether it was just the way that the words had been put on the page I didn’t I didn’t kind of react to it like that. But yeah, yeah, absolutely your cook could have read it.
That context is hard to understand sometimes.
Very easy. Either way I went with the the better way but still it did occur to me that there could have been a bit of like malice in what you were saying so I I went back to him and he hadn’t implied anything to do with like due diligence or anything like that and I was I just went back to him and said look. This is exactly why we do Keyword Research you know if you’re if you’re setting up a brand new website today and trying to sell trainers against Nike it’s going to take you forever to to try and compete in that kind of marketplace but you don’t try and sell trainers against Nike when you start up a business you. Try and sell trainers that ah or training shoes that are you know, better than the next local shop in your town and then you build up from there and and you you kind of expand and that’s exactly why we did keyword research so that we can. Firstly structure the website in the right way. So when we have the pages that could potentially rank for those higher um value keywords those higher value higher volume keywords. But we then also have the list of all the low ah low volume but with keyword difficulty stuff that we. Know that we’re going to be able to get you to rank for relatively easily so that we can start to show a return to you and guess what all of those keywords build authority for the hard keywords so whilst you know we could be looking at months or years before we really rank for those ones over there with. We’re not saying that we’re not going to.
Provide a return for you in that period of time we just get in the structure right first and then we start with the the bottom of the tree and off we go.
Yeah, you can’t exactly expect to dominate the search rankings for those uber competitive keywords if. You don’t have the authority if you don’t have the time you know being online if you don’t have the content there like you you can’t just decide to rank for the top ones. Whereas you can kind of decide to rank for the ones that don’t get because there isn’t any competition like that’s just it’s all relative to the competition right? Like if there’s a bunch of people fighting for the same thing. It’s 10 times harder or you know who knows how much harder.
But that’s part of the reason why you need to be really picky and choosy about the the keywords that you want to rank for and you know I know in your example, some of the keywords that the client had mentioned were a little tenuous. Let’s say you know they were.
They were technically applicable to what the client did and what they sold what they wanted enquiries for but actually that was more of a a more of a human kind of tenuous kind of link. We’re dealing with an algorithm here. It’s either black or it’s white. So if you can’t have tenuous. So if you’re.
When you have your keyword research done. It’s really important that you are looking at keywords and keywords related to those keywords that are directly applicable to what you actually are trying to achieve and if they’re not then they’re not the right keywords now and and. Take your point exactly you know you look at the keywords with 100 searches a month and then you can 10 x if you go for the one with 1000 searches a month but actually if you’re starting out the gate right now my money had probably be to start with 100 searches a month one because let’s face it a keyword that’s relatively. Low difficulty by that I’m saying let’s say under 25 or 30% a difficult difficulty level with a a a search volume of 10000 searches a month. The reality is you might only need 1 page or 1 or a page with a supporting post. Let’s say to build a couple of internal links.
And you could be in a really meaningful ranking place that particularly if you’ve if you’ve used ah used the tool to benchmark your content so you know you’re writing content that is going to compete against people that are already ranking there and if you’ve got a new website getting a hundred people to view. It is mega. You know that’s amazing. You know.
Um, yeah, that’s it’s actually not bad for like if you’ve just launched a website if you’re relatively new. Yeah, getting some we see a lot of websites where they’re on. They’re in the hundreds of traffic and that’s fine for them. That’s that’s totally a success.
Yeah, and and our mythical plumber that we one day we’re going to meet the plumber that we meet on. We mentioned on nearly every show if you’re them that mythical plumber you know you’ve only got a finite amount of time. There’s only you and a van and your spanners and whatever in the back. You don’t need hundreds of thousands of visits to your website each month you just need the phone to ring at a constant enough rate that you are busy with work and that you’re not you don’t want it to ring too much because otherwise you’re going to start to pee people off because you you know I know I’m sorry I can’t come to your leaking pipe right now or your burst. Water main right now because I’m fitting somebody’s bathroom. What I can do is fit you in four weeks on Tuesday it just doesn’t you know it. It doesn’t it those kind of business or every business has like a ah capacity that it it’s working you know a critical mass that it’s working towards and if you push over that you start. Annoying people and then they go start finding somebody else. So you you lose customers? Ironically um so you know in that scenario you’ve got to decide right? Well if we’re pushing through it I’m going to take on another plumber and actually start to build a business but our mythical plumber because it’s my story doesn’t want to do that. He wants to. He wants to work for himself and build his own little kingdom and just live a happy life with Mrs Plummer
Mrs Plumber ah you know I actually have a fantastic plumber in my town that we’ve used a couple times and when we first used them. Um, it was 1 guy 1 guy and an assistant and no website. Nothing. Um. I’ve never approached them to do any services for them. So you know I missed that boat but I noticed that the last time we needed them we’ve we’ve used them for like 6 years now so last time we needed them I couldn’t remember their phone number. So I Google it sure enough they have a great presence now and there is a call center and receptionist and appointment center and I’m just like. Oh okay, you were prepared for that most people not going to be able to do that. Not going to so they’ll sign up for Seo and you know get all this all these leads and then in two months canceled because they’re overwhelmed with the work like a great problem to have but you know they’re they’re putting it in and you’re getting the results. It’s a good good way to see it actually come to fruition. Um. I do want to say that you’re totally right about ranking for those keywords those lower ones isn’t bad like it. It is a good thing and it’s a great place to start? Um, my sense is the people that have been you know sites have been up for several years and it’s like well you’re putting a lot of effort into.
You know little return when they should be working on the bigger ones at this stage. Um, so you know it’s like I feel it was very misleading information that they were trying to brag about and I’ve seen this like 4 times the last couple weeks so like I’m kind of worried that people but some people might be like hey they’re talking about my client and.
I might be but I’m also talking about several Trust me.
Yeah, yeah, we we do. We do have this discussion quite a lot and it’s it is really important that look you all All we’re really talking about is you pick your battles. That’s that’s the thing and.
The right advice and the advice that you don’t often hear online. The advice you don’t hear when you get in people emailing you I mean I’m getting like 7 right emails every day people trying to sell me Seo Services I’m like you don’t really know your audience. Do you? Um so but the the advice you don’t get in those emails is actually about choosing.
Yeah, but.
The right keywords and those though that directly affects the result you’re going to achieve for the client and we’ve talked about you know I’ve been on the soapbox before on the show about the kind of moral duty. We have to clients to to make sure that. Their business can cope with the influx of leads and traffic that we we achieve for them regardless of how you do it be it through ads or Seo or you know content writing or billboards or it doesn’t matter. Can they actually cope with the volume. Um, but it’s that with with Seo you have the. Ah, ability to control that a little by choosing by picking your battles and you’ve got to weigh that up as the right thing for the end client and their business if that’s your agency then fine you you take 1 step out of this loop but it also means that you as the agency need to be. Ah. Safeguarding your future relationship with the client by choose about advising them about things that you can be fairly confident. You’re going to be able to see a return on because likewise nobody’s going to pay an seo retainer if in eight nine ten months time or a year’s time you, you’re still where you are now you know and they haven’t seen increasing orders. You’ve got to take that balance quite seriously.
Yeah, definitely especially I think if ah, they’re coming like the clients are coming with all these creative ideas you know hey I want to do this? Well I want to rank for Xy and z all right? Well let me actually put the work in. Let me do a little audit. Let me do some keyword research. Let me find out if this is worth our time worth your time specifically I’m not saying. Worth us taking you but you know I mean Ken putting this effort and actually get you to results and ah you know and then at the same time if it’s not let’s advise on the correct way to do it because there’s no point in just doing the work for the wrong efforts.
Yeah, you couldn’t couldn’t be couldn’t be better and it’s it couldn’t be more right and it’s it’s amazing. It’s amazing. How many clients I talk to that say I want to rank for this and when you ask them? Why they don’t really. They don’t really know or they give you the stock answer of oh it’s got 10000 searches a month. Yeah, but that doesn’t mean that 10000 people want want what you do um.
I Yeah I feel that they’re always very like self. Maybe it’s not the right term but like self-scented or egotistical. It’s like well because that’s our brand name like they’re cute brand names or whatever and like that’s another thing that’s easy to rank for and you’ll see and sometimes I mean you’ll see it in our report sometimes too. It’s like oh look their top 3 for their brand name. Well let’s. Good I guess but it’s also nothing to really like be super proud of it’s pretty easy.
Could you remember when we yeah when we launched Seo hive. We launched it and our website went live on April of first Twenty Twenty that was the day that the yeah the service launched and before the end of April. Somebody had commented in 1 of the Facebook groups that oh well, they can’t be that good. They’re not number 1 for their own brand name and we were in position 2 and it was like dude give us a chance right? We’re just living brute just cut with’re we’re just like everybody else some of this stuff takes a bit of time.
And I think by the end of may we were I remember so taking a screenshot and sending it finding digging out the chat in Facebook and sending a screenshot saying well it didn’t take us long to get to number 1 did it? ah.
Um, yeah, ah well that that was I was I mean that was easy but at the same time that kind of that time and everything was also a bit of a learning experience about being cute. Right? Like we We did this whole brand name with you know Seo hive and you know we had this whole theory about bees and hives and it’s cute and it’s fun. That’s our branding and whatever. But then we did like we like we named our services like the honey pot which we’ve recently after like way too long realized if we just call it a content plan. People would search for it more.. It’s like.
Yeah, yeah, people will actually know what it does. Ah.
You know so we fell into that trap right? Yeah, we fell into that vanity trap I mean I get it. You know it. It felt cool to try to brand it and everything. But.
Ah, now we’re freed up the term honey. We we need a new service called the Honey trap.
The honey trap. Oh yeah, there you go I dont want I You know what? actually I think we needed to stop that conversation there I’m afraid that might be something that pops up on Urban dictionary that I don’t want to find out.
Ah, yeah, but we did we we did I actually have a list on my phone a pdf that I found somewhere online of all B related terms and every time every time we were having like oh well we need We need a product for this or we need a service for this or well what could we call it I grab the pdf and I’m like you know, Well, in fact. In fact, and this this is real insight into the insides of of Seo hive the management list that you and I have in clickup is called Queen B Tasks. Ah.
Um, it is the queen bee tasks the queen bee task I think though I have to give credit where credit is due I think I got that from Mike Mccalowitz in hit one of his books not profit first but in um clockwork maybe clockwork so he.
Well I’ve not read that one I.
Yeah, so he refers to like the you know the the decision maker to Ceo whoever is the queen bee and yeah, so you know all the workers to port to queenbee blah blah blah blah blah so anyway Mike Cowvich turns out you actually are a little bit of an inspiration behind Seo I name and branding.
Hey well you know it would be really cool one day to get Mike Mccoowitz on the show. So maybe we should? Well we’ve now given him a shout out. Maybe we should try. We’ve now given him a shout out.
Um, yeah, maybe we should try. Ah.
And we did. We have mentioned him before so maybe maybe we should put a couple of links in this and I’ll see if I can actually know somebody that knows Mike Mccalowitz so maybe we’d be able to get this show this episode in his ears.
There you go? Well let’s have our our podcast outreach manager reach out to them and make something happen. Oh oh yeah, wait we don’t have an official podcast outreach manager.
All right? Just me.
Yeah, maybe maybe you know Mike Mccolow it’s first world domination. Second there’s there’s the there’s the roadmap.
Maybe soon maybe soon maybe one day.
Hey Seo Hive is hiring for a volunteer podcast outreach manager.
Ah, great rates of pay in certain currencies.
Yeah, emphasis on the volunteer right now.
Ah, so I look I I right have we talked have have you got anything else have we talked about I think we’ve sort of hammered home. The point about choosing the right keywords.
Yeah I mean like this isn’t a tutorial or or training session or anything but this is just one of those kind of like I think realizations that people need to have every now and then and that’s you know, let’s make decisions with. Data You know,? let’s let’s make the decisions based on what we can actually prove and and and work towards um, there’s nothing wrong with throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks you know, rather rink for more than less always. But if you’re going to put the efforts in make it make them worth your while.
Yeah, and if if somebody’s paying a bill for it I think that’s where that’s where I don’t know I feel this sense of like responsibility I have to get it right for these people and plus I have this drive. You know this from working with me now for a few years I I can’t be beaten I.
Yeah, right.
I will not be beaten by any of this crap ever. You know, ah be it be it feeds to whatever or keywords or rankings or dev issues or business issues or I just can’t be beaten I I will keep on working at it. Until it’s right until it’s done. Maybe that’s my flaw I don’t know Mrs Everett isn’t here at the minute. She’d highlight many many flaws I’m sure. But anyway that that’s let’s not get that that’s going to take this podcast in a very different trajectory.
Um, like I’m not even going to start it about me because well we’ll we’ll never stop talking about my flaws but I’m I’m otherwise perfect except for all the flaws.
He Yeah yeah, maybe maybe we need to start a club.
Yeah, the flawless flogged club.
Ah, so look. It’s been a bit of a rambling episode. Um, but yeah, it’s I I feel like I feel like without opening another kind can of worms. We’d we’d end up sort of launching it to something else. So I think it’s a good place to to bring this one to a wrap. Um.
So go.
No I was just gonna say yeah, that’s ah, it’s ah another ah another quick one or another good one in the book slightly quicker than normal.
Well yeah, you know those people that did manage to get through the yeah through the intro I think we’re we only do it’s like our due diligence to make sure we give them a few minutes back at the other end of the show I think that’s that’s only fair, well.
Yeah, but we’ve we’ve lost them now though we’ve lost them now. Ah.
We hope you found it useful. We’d We’d actually love to know if you’ve had some really stupid Seo advice that that could be a really fun thing to run on social media or something. So if you’ve.
Um, yeah.
Heard some really stupid seo advice either go and ping it on our Facebook page or somewhere or just email email a screenshot or something over to hello at seohive.co absolutely
Comment if you’re watching this on Youtube yeah, let’s collect some of these really silly stupid terrible advices that would be that I’m already looking forward to recording that episode that’s going to be so fun. So fun.
And you know if you’re commenting on Youtube just make sure that you hit that subscribe button and the like button and the bell button. Why can’t they wrap 3 buttons into 1 button.
Right? right? please.
You know I mean I understand if you want to have like a subscribe and then like a subscribe plus or something and there’s like 2 buttons and you just have to pick one that does the bit that you want it to do but geez anyway, yeah, make sure you subscribe because we obviously you know I obviously love youtube and their info interface. Um. But yeah, make please please subscribe.
Yeah, pete we’re trying to get right? We’re trying to win the Youtube algorithm and here you are complaining about Youtube.
Well in fairness we haven’t tried complaining about Youtube as a means to improve our rankings in their Algo. So let’s give it a girl.
Yeah, okay, fair fair. Let’s give it a shot. Let’s give it a shot.
But yeah, while you’re there while you there but no seriously it would be It would be fun to see them and if we get enough here. We’ll compile them into some kind of show or maybe maybe invite people to like record soundbites of them I don’t know we we’ll we’ll get something done. Um, but only if we get enough. So if you’ve got some really bad advice that you’ve received and it’s in an email or a. Even if it’s just a tale that you want to just tap out quickly. Get it over to a somehow somewhere and yeah, it’ll be a fun thing to do.
I am looking forward to it until then like subscribe comment on your thing and podcast player of choice Blah Blah Blah Thank you for listening.
And we will see you in the next episode.