YouTube video

Episode #: 009
Hosts / Guest(s): Pete & Jeff

Show Notes

AI is the fastest growing phenomenon since the invention of the internet itself, and as with any leap forward in technology there are pro’s, con’s and unknowns…

In this episode, Pete and Jeff chat through the benefits and pitfalls of current SEO AI tools, and how they use them. They also touch on some of the moral dilemmas when it comes to using AI and how far you should reasonably let it go in your processes right now.


Local SEO Report prompt for ChatGPT (Google Doc)

Hello welcome to the W P Seo show I am your co-host Jeff joined here with my co-host pete for our ninth episode. This is so exciting. We’re almost at 10 which you know that I said out loud doesn’t sound all that impressive. But I’m really really stoked on it. Ah.

I know I know well look after we get to double figures The next stop is triple figures and that’s going to be like that seems like a long way away from here I’ll be honest. Ah.

Um, it it does but at the same time after doing almost 10 of these in a row now. It’s like it I can see it happening and when you first we recorded the first one you sent it to me as zero zero zero like the file name and I’m like you think we’re going to hit 100 episodes and like even though we’re still under 10 I’m like.

Yeah, yeah.

I think we will actually I mean at this pace is going to take about 2 years but you know I I do see it actually as ah as a possibility which is super awesome. Yeah yeah, just and.

Absolutely our future proof just all the way to nine Nine nine and then we’re going to have to have a discussion figure out what to do.

And for anybody who is just at the edge of your seat wondering we are working our butts off to get more guitars in the background for you.

Ah, although I’m out I’m out of I’m out of guitars at this end but I do have a jembe and a trumpet. So I might try and get those to feature in future episodes. Ah.

I actually do have a junkie guitar in the closet a ukulele in the other room but we we we could decorate the wall. We’ll we’ll work on it for you. What’s up I think it was Paul it was awesome. That was funny I made me laugh so hard when I read that.

Absolutely absolutely. so um so yeah so how’s how’s things how’s life in Southern California

Um, you know what we’re actually all kind of a little under the weather this week so they’re a little blah but the weather’s cooling down which is great. Um, we are excited whenever we don’t have to use the air conditioning all day long so that is nice and we’re looking forward to halloween.

Good stuff, Good stuff. Oh yeah, this spooktacular is just around the yeah just around the corner. Yeah.

Yeah, except this episode will probably come out right that day after Halloween I think but you know so spooky sounds.

Ah, right? And that’s that that that’s as far as the ah because we’re only 9 episodes old. That’s as far as the budget goes for Halloween effects on the show.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry you don’t have the soundboard going right now. But anyway onto the important stuff. The reason people actually tune in this week we wanted to talk about Ai and seo. Um. Just kind of just just a very kind of general kind of overlook of things kind of some ideas and what we’re doing what we’re not doing what we expect what we’re you know I mean this is an endless topic. But it’s definitely a hot topic right now. Um I if you don’t mind Pete I’ll start a little bit and just you know I have been a little like I’ve got my.

Go for it.

And call like my caution like like my blinders up or whatever to ai not blinders I’m I’m cautionary about using Ai too much just because I’m worried about the potential like negative ramifications. Um, but it’s here. It’s going to stay. It’s it’s here to stay. It’s not going anywhere. So now I think it’s the time to you know, figure out how it’s best to be Used. What’s you know?? What’s appropriate was not um, my kind of general sense is that it’s a great tool I don’t ever want it and I hope it doesn’t become a complete content generation thing I mean that’s that’s my big fear about it is that. Everybody just clicks a button and they expect to get content out of it whether that’s I mean bigger than just Seo I mean we’re talking movies or all that stuff. It’s a big hot topic right Now. Um, but but yeah, that’s my kind of fear about it and I hope that never becomes a thing but at the same time if we could use it. You know if it’s benefit to it. That’s awesome.

absolutely absolutely I think I think like with a lot of these things the the first sort of hurdle with Ai is understanding what the different models of Ai do and actually actually realizing that. You know, ah all of this stuff’s kind of been branded as oh you use Ai for Seo. Well actually you know what there’s a whole load of different Ai tools out there I mean by far the 2 biggest that we use regularly would be chat Gp and Google Bart but even just using those two you. They’re built in different ways they excel at different things and they process data in different ways and at the time of recording the chat Gpt database is still only limited to September September Twenty Twenty one so you know even the fact that bard can just read something that was put on the internet yesterday makes it different to to. Um, ah to chat gpd in that in that respect as well. So oh yeah, it, no, it’s it’s different because they are very much very much. It’s about understanding um the right tools for the right job and look I know from.

I’m glad you said different and not better.

The discussions we’ve had and from even just a little pre-chat that we had about this. You know we we don’t we don’t ever supply Ai generated content to our clients I don’t do that through my agency we don’t do that through Seo hive that that is not an internet that is going to be generated. Buy bots isn’t going to be a fun place for anybody else to be I mean that’s I think that’s the that’s the honest truth. Um, and you know these these tools learn by repetition. So essentially they’re going to It’s end up iterating on themselves and and you know.

Oh no.

Goodness knows where we’re going to end up if if that sort of happens in world where you’ve got Ai bots complet completing things like brain surgery and you know robot robotic development and all that kind of stuff. But um, yeah, thankfully we don’t work in kind of one of those life or death kind of industries. Um.


But a yeah there is a moral and an ethical consideration to that which is you know our clients pay money for properly optimized content that is tailored to the specific needs of their clients and because of that we. Can’t justifiably let an ai bot just run run wild and just generate something that it thinks is good. We need that squidgy organic um, understanding that you can’t ever get into something like chat gp to your Bart.

Yeah, yeah, there’s a good chance that you’s just say we’re we’re talking about spitting out an article right? There’s a good chance that ai could bet an article that’s fine but I could tell you from firsthand experience just a couple days ago. I was googling something I was looking for some snippet or process to go through something in wordpress and I found an article I believe it was a website that I’ve seen before too. So I know that they’ve written you know little helpful wordpress tutorials or whatever and I got to step 4 and I realized step 4 was the same as step two. It was wait a second and and I and so I just had to step back and I just read them all like I said okay let me jump forward and I read the whole tutorial and and then there was just this flaw in the logic and it kept looping back to the beginning I’m like. I feel like I’m a you know I’m ah like a deprecated function right now that’s just looping in the backend this guy trying to follow this tutorial like is for good written by Ai what the heck I’m like because I keep hearing people talk about how great g chat gp is for finding out like code solutions and stuff so I like.


I didn’t even try it I Just I just googled it but you know they did that and well that didn’t work out so well so careful.

Well I and now now you see so this morning I was using chat gp to fix an email template and campaign monitor that had 2 issues one was there was a missing td tag and there were thousands of really td tags in that in that document. And chat gp found it in 5 seconds um and then the second thing was that it needed to we needed to put some rounded corners on ah on ah, an image and that was fine in browsers but shook it into outlook and it wasn’t.


Playing ball and you needed to set this v I forgot what it is called vv extend something or other I don’t know somebody who’s far better at coding emails than me will be able to tell me exactly what I needed but I tell you what chat gp spat the code out for that I just gave it the gave it the the td element that had the image in said. Make this so that it works in ah in outlook and hey presto there. It went and did it so copied and pasted it in. Did it run a couple of tests. Absolutely fine. So it’s definitely got its place when it comes to certain certain things. Absolutely um, but generating content that is. Tailored for business needs. I don’t think that’s quite it. But I think that we I think in all honesty I think we need to put a bit of a caveat in here because like with a lot of the things that we’ve already spoken about in our previous extensive 8 episodes that there is. There is a contextual element to this which is you know what? if you’re running a if you’ve got a website or your client has a website and they never post anything then actually them using some ai support to. To get some content written. Get it on their website and for their website to become active is going to show them a benefit right? that is that is far better than doing nothing but that’s not what people come to us for that’s I think that’s that what when when people are engaging with seo hive.

Yeah, yeah.

They are wanting a professional service that is going to take their client’s Seo or their own seo to the next level and that involves understanding user intent. It involves understanding business objectives it and it involves understanding previous amounts of data in order to make decisions as to where to go forward and that. That’s the bit we’re never going to put in the hands of Ai.

Yeah, it can be good to kind of on that same level though and this is one thing I’ve used it for is helping with like I guess I would call it supporting copy. You know this isn’t copy that I’m worried about what’s ranking, but just the kind of the little the blurbs you’d have maybe asking somebody to opt in to something or whatever. When I’ve had to you know, flesh out something and I’m writing it I kind of hit a wall and just you know writer’s block or something and I’m I’m looking for like 1 sentence and I’ve asked um Bertha that’s the one that that I’ve I’ve used and have a subscription for or something and I’ve just said hey you know just give me something. And that helps me get past that writer’s block and go okay, great now I can tweak it and I’ve I’ve got my thought out and so that’s that’s helped tremendously. But that’s you know, very much just like ah ah, kind of like a call to action statement. It has nothing to do with Seo really or any type of factual information. So like that’s a.


For me. That’s a great use that I’ve used, but it’s so small and so minor but it can help tremendously.

Oh yeah, and you know when you get a when you get an seo audit come in and it says that 432 meta descriptions are missing well with the best will in the world. You know, actually getting as you say getting that getting that 1 sentence out of the gate or even just a. Even just being able to drop a ah url into bard and say summarize this in a sentence and that beginning to form a meta description for you is a far more effective use of time than it is to actually have to click on every page read the page and understand what’s in the page. Write that into a meta description realize that that meta description’s 30 characters too long then have to edit just you know and then have to do that 432 Times so there’s ah like like we said you know we won’t go and publish a piece of copy on the internet that is um, generated by Ai but on the same note. If we can use Ai tools to speed up some of the processes and the data crunching and the you know the the information we need in order to make those decisions to then produce that content then by all means let’s harness the power let’s harness the power of Ai and you know I think that’s why i’m.


Maybe sit a little differently to a lot of the ah I’ve I’ve done shows in the admin bar and and chats with with other people about how we use Ai and um.

I’ve always said a little different to a lot of people because everybody jumps into chat gp now. Granted I have a chat gp account I it’s even a chat gp pro account I’m not you know I’m not saying I’d never use it I use chat gpty to fix that email. Um, but actually I find that I’m using google bard a lot more. Because we’re not relying on the writing capability chat gpt is a far better writing assistant than bardy’s as it currently stands but it has ah it has a limit to its knowledge and it has a limit to it well it it can’t read the internet which Bart can so for the.


Things I’m using it for like like finding ah finding common keywords in common associated keywords in the top 10 for websites that rank for a particular primary keyword. Let’s say. Ah, can chuck that into bard and it’ll give me a list and yeah, you know whether or whether it’s whether it’s reviewing how many internal links the pages that are ranking on page one for a particular keyword are having again. It can just crunch it for me and give me the numbers. So. And you know they’re things that I have been able to find out through other tools in the past but bard can just do them within the within you know a few seconds and give me the data rather than me spending fifteen twenty minutes going to find it and calculating it myself so because of that I spend a lot more time in bard than I do in chat Gpt personally um. But that’s just because they work differently and as I said it’s horses for courses.

It’s interesting I need to play with bard more I really haven’t messed with it too much. But I I like the idea of being able to get you know information like that I pride myself a very good googler. It’s so it’s like hard for me to break out of like that habit right? like I don’t try if I ask somebody if you know face to face like I mean honestly, if I ask you something and then we get off the call I’m still probably going to go Google it and like look at my own details on it. So like this is a very hard pattern for me to break out of.

Ah, that’s a that that was a very camp noise that I just made but Jeffrey honestly.

Ah I would know that that’s just me and just’ not There’s less about you than it is me I’m trying to use you as an example to show how strong that that oh you’ve heard that one before have you pete? ah.

Oh yeah, the the whole it’s not you. It’s me speech here we go right it’s taken it’s it’s taken us 9 episodes to get there but here we go I at least thought we’d get to double figures before we got there.

Are we having our first fight. Oh boy oh boy, what is happening here? Yeah, um oh you know I just yeah that I kind of always I’m well actually I think we just I just got to the bottom of this too.

Ah, anyway, sorry you were making a point and I completely trashed it.

I I fact check and that’s because I have ah I study journalism in college. So I’m like oh that’s great information I don’t believe you I need to factja it. That’s just kind of my default that sounds too good to be true hold on is like a Google Google Google Google turns out that is.

Ah, oh it is so.

I have there’s I’ve quite a few things I have um I’m stubborn I’m not going to lie I’m I’m a stubborn man. Um, but there’s quite a few things that I have said like this is the way it is and like my kids have said that’s not true. That’s not true and then I Google it I’m like oh. Wow for forty plus years I was under the wrong understanding and I just ah.

But you know, but that that is a key you have got a key point there which is anything that Ai generates. You do have to fact, check and this is the this is the problem again. I’m not wanting to get on the soap box about. People paying agencies for professional services and therefore you should be doing things properly and not just trying to create shortcuts and this that but actually you know what? if anybody that’s doing this like I’ve just said if somebody’s using Ai and it’s and they’re doing nothing and that helps them do something. There are still some gates they need to go through just copying and pasting it out of of chat gp or wherever they’ve got it from onto their website isn’t responsible because you do have to fact checkt these things if you know if chat gpp says black is black and white is white. You. Probably need to go and check that it hasn’t said that black is white and white is black if you see what I mean um, you it it. It learns by repetition and because of that look if if you think about if you think about this in like the the sense of it learning like.


Like by reading a map. The first time it makes a mistake. It might only be a degree off. But if you travel from where you are for a hundred miles in that direction and you were a degree off to start with, you’re gonna end up a long way from where you wanted to be in a hundred miles time um so that’s. And and that’s kind of the problem with it. You can’t you can’t take these things as Gospel. You can’t take them for granted a friend of mine. He talked about using the eighty twenty rule with Ai tools but the 20 it is in that percentage the 80% comes first That’s what the chat gp or the bard or wherever you’re getting it from birthai whatever, that’s what that gives you you then have to do the 20% afterwards which is the fact checking making sure that the the tonality is right making sure that it fits your goals. So if you are going to use this kind of content for the backbone of your content. You’ve still got that 20% to do and you can’t really negate around that otherwise the internet will just be full of incorrect ai content that then feeds more incorrect ai content and before you know it you’re in you know Jona Groats instead of land’s end. Sorry that’s a very that’s a very british reference.

Ah, yeah I don’t get it but I’m sure a few of our listeners do ah.

Well John O Gros is the very northern tip of Scotland and lands end is the very end of Cornwall. It’s the but both almost the most northly and suddenlyly points in the u k that’s the point.

Gotcha gotcha gotcha well just the other day I had kind of an interesting experience and you’ve been seeing Ais popping up in everywhere. Not just the tools that we’re using in agency world but in like our day-to-day life. So I was posting something on ebay I had something sitting around my office and I needed to just get rid of that I posted on ebay. And then here comes a description. Well first of all, if you use ebay these days you realize most people barely put any sort of description because the title and the picture and then the details that it’s pretty much everything you need. But I saw this big button and it said use Ai to craft a description and I thought. Well, if it’s free. You know I’ll click it and see what it does. Why not? you know I mean you not not nickel and diming me for it. So your api you said sure. So I click it and it wrote a phenomenal like 2 paragraph summary of this like little art paint set that I was selling and it was fantastic.

Shiny thing. Syndrome.

Except the quantities of what it was included was completely off. It was like any it gets 8 high quality pains I’m like no, it’s 12 and 3 mixing bottles notes four I’m like you have all this information right? there like it’s on it’ss it’s there and how did you craft it and change the number I don’t know but it it did help me’s like say eighty twenty right


80% of the difficult the difficulty in that for me is just writing those 4 or 5 sentences that sound natural that tell people what they’re getting and why they’re supposed to buy it and I read it and I quickly saw that the numbers were off I fixed the numbers who cares still only took me about 1 minute to do this which is faster so it was you know. I love the 8020 year rule if I get 80% of anything done and I can finish that last twenty like I’m satisfied. You know I mean I guess unless I’m paying for 100 % but you know you know what? I mean if you’re asking for help but somebody can get your most of the way there you and you can’t get yourself across the finish line. You got a bigger problem.


I Know what you mean I know what you mean? so.

Yeah, absolutely absolutely so his here’s the thing that I’m timeing with at the minute and for anybody that’s listening. That’s that’s you know Twenty Twenty odd minutes in with us I’m gonna. Burst the bubble straight away and say I don’t have a solid answer to this next thing yet and I’m still working through it but that is is it a good thing to let Ai bots crawl your website because we can block them. We can block them like we can anybot through the robots robots file


But is that a good thing and here’s the fence that I’m sitting on so we’ve just spent 5 minutes talking about how how Ai if you leave Ai to get on with its own thing that it’s it could end up in the completely. the wrong um the wrong destination let’s rerun that that analogy using an american landmart. You’d end up in Manhattan instead of the you know Los Angeles let’s say um so the yeah, so.

Yep there you go.

Yeah, it. It can go off and it can. It can get things wrong and if it keeps on iterating on things that are wrong. Then actually you you know you’re almost not helping it in the future. Um, you know and a lot of these things like with like you know when wordpress was a thing like when um. Ah, you know when when wordpress was a new thing I should have said wordpress is still a thing welcome to the introduction to wordpress for Pete show. Um, no so when WordPress was a new thing.

When WordPress was a thing okay like wordpress is still a thing dude. Ah.

Ah, change our name to the Seo show soon? ah.

And no, but but what what I was the point I’m trying to make is you know when WordPress was a new thing and even now it’s open source it relies on people contributing to it the the the leaps and bounds that it makes in order to make itself better are done because people contribute to it. Um, blocking Ai bots from your website is almost like saying you know what I don’t want to be part of that and if if you’re not prepared to make potentially help make the Ais better then realistically you can’t complain that much about their output if it’s not correct because you know you can’t.


Take with one hand and not give with the other kind of is is my kind of approach to it but then on the same note I also stand with all of these artists. Um with these these you know actors and um people who are ah having their work either duplicated or obliterated or their personalities. You know, completely compromised because Ai is making babies with certain actors faces on it say atrocious things or or whatever. So I I as I said I’m not I I don’t know I don’t know which side of the of the the fence I come down on on this yet. Are technical things that you need to bear in mind if ai is going to become a next search engine then by all means you want to be featuring in those results. Um, however, letting the ai bots crawl your website puts particular load on the server and we know from we know from particular reports that you can find just Google it. Ah, ask an Ai? Well, that’s bared for it. Dont bother asking chat Gpt. Um, but you can you know there are particular reports where they can see spikes in spikes in load and ah where the.

Here It is with it.

The the load that’s put on a server is far more than Google crawl or anything like that which of course can therefore affect users on the front end and slow you sight down etc etc. So there’s pros and cons to all of this and at the minute I haven’t yet decided where I stand with it.

Yeah, well the crawling’s interesting because nowadays I feel like the seo crawlers that we’re used to. You know we used to have to as like a web developer or somebody you know trying to keep a site up. You have to fight against them sometimes because they would just crush your site and that’s kind of. You know even to itself hour. It doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore. So I wonder if the Ai bots are doing something different or they’re just a little behind the times from a technical standpoint and if so they should probably ask chat Gpt or barred for some help in that area. but um but I wonder if if that’ll that’ll improve um.


But it’s funny you talking about the Ai and you know the artist and I I feel you too. It’s on one hand I if I didn’t have to work for a living I would sit in front of a prompt and I would just create Ai art because I think it’s so hilarious like all the time just giving it a prompt and seeing the stuff it does like super weird with like.


And especially if you describe something weird. You know you’ll have somebody with like an arm coming out of their head and you’re just like all right dolly’s just on some special drugs today and in there I guess I don’t know what’s happening. But so it’s very entertaining to me but on the other hand my my daughter she’s she’s 16 and she’s a passionate passionate artist. And she just I mean you see the flames coming out of her ears whenever ai comes up because she’s just like a I tripping off artists hey I ripping off artists. They shouldn’t rip off artists and it’s like I I love it I respect the hell out of it. But it’s just so funny. Every single time. It’s so passionate about it so passionate. So anyway to get back to the topic about Ai bots crawling your website. Um I don’t have a strong feeling about this one way or the other either I mean you have you’ve you’ve got a lot more thoughts on it than I do but um I was thinking about the concern from a slightly different perspective and that’s like the information that you’re letting the bots have and. Obviously if you put on the website. It’s public crawlable. It’s not like you’re putting up trade secrets or anything on there. But I guess you know if it’s if it’s being indexed in the search engines and you’re being found for it. That’s 1 thing. It’s different if that information you put a lot of work in into that might be unique to your business and that this is going to be totally dependent on types of businesses and and things like that. But um, if you’re literally just helping the bot learn stuff and then now that’s going to detract from people going to you to learn that stuff then that does seem detrimental to me and that might be just a.

Wacky Hypothetical situation I’m making up that would never actually be a problem but that’s where I instantly go and it’s like do I want to protect that information or do I want to let the world have it and yeah I want the world to have it. But you know if you’re for profit business online. You still have to take that into consideration.

I Guess I guess that sort of depends who you are and what it is. You’re talking about though um to a to a ah and then no, no, no, that wasn’t quite where I was going with it but just.

Um, if you’re a good person that likes to share if you’re a bad stingy person like me.

Ah, okay.

You know if if you’re well even though it it I think it I think it largely depends on whether you’re dealing with fact or whether you’re dealing with um opinion you know everybody’s entitled to ah ah, everybody’s entitled to an opinion I saw this quote from um, pis morgan he’s he’s been in the states. Yeah, you know you you guys should know appears morgan is um, he’s a journalist and he said everybody’s entitled to opinion but people aren’t entitled to make up facts and I think that’s kind of that’s kind of. Where we are with this if what you’re contributing or potentially contributing back to the ais through the content you’re creating on the internet I’m not saying for 1 minute people should now start creating content for to teach ais. But if you’re if you’re creating good valuable content on the internet anyway, that should be factually correct.

Um, oh no.

By allowing the Bots to crawl that and potentially making them better because of those facts and the way that you’re putting them and um the way you’re presenting them that information I mean that doesn’t really matter whether you’re talking about molecular science or like I can’t think of something huge. But yeah, something huge. It’s kind of if it’s a fact is a fact and that is only going to improve their knowledge whereas on the flip side if you’re if you’re you know, creating opinion pieces of which I’m not going to give any examples because I don’t want to offend anybody. But if if you’re if you’re creating opinion pieces and they are your opinions. Then actually that that isn’t going to benefit anybody outside of your network your niche your whatever that that you’ve put that opinion together for and that is the type of stuff that.


Probably shouldn’t be fed into something like an ai bot. So really, it should only in my I’m thinking out loud here but in my opinion possibly a better way for it to go is for it to to be fed facts truths that are universal versus and and protected from.


Opinion pieces which are not.

Yeah, and and that could be pretty applicable to our industry here as as agency owners and the type of clients we you know we work with some of them are putting out. You know if you pay you know I don’t know ah somebody to come and do an analysis on your property that is very much you know. Here’s the measurements here’s what you know the the values are compared to neighbors blah blah those are things that you can fact check. But if somebody is like a coach or consultant and they have their own style of training salespeople that. You know who’s to say that’s right, it may be very good. Maybe it may work for them. It may that but it’s not 1 thing you can say that’s right? or that’s wrong and you can’t train anything and it’s just one of the many many many opportunity or many many options you have when you’re going down this subjective path.

But so here’s this this then brings us nicely full circle. So maybe we’re maybe we’re on our way into land right now but this so I saw a script which I have actually used um I might try and find a link and include it in the show notes I’m not I’m not gonna claim any kind of.

Um, yeah.

Benefit or any kind of um, ah credit for this at all. But there was ah an seo guy that I’ll follow on. Um, follow on Facebook and he’d put together a prompt that you could feed into chat gp or bard or 1 of them anyway, you put it together as a Youtube video and basically what it did was it. It compiled a local Seo audit a very basic local Seo audit for any business that you fed into it so the agencies could use it as a sales tool to say look I’ve done. Ah I’ve done a brief audit of your local Seo profile here. It is attached. I I do seo and we think we could improve it in Xyz areas. Do you want a conversation and this meant that from an Seo sales perspective link it into what you were just saying from an Seo sales perspective rather than now having to go to all the lengths of you know using. Um, ah. Putting these audits together yourself that might take you an hour it’s an investment in time for a very cold lead or exceptionally cold lead that that you don’t know, um, etc etc. You can now do dozens or dozens of these or get a va to do them and essentially use Google maps on street view to go down a street and say right? do one for that business. Do one for that business. Do one for that business and just ping them off by email so that yeah again that that’s an innovative way of using it of processing data that is factual information that could help somebody could help somebody out and certainly could help an agency in their sales process I’m not saying.

I’m not saying we use that in our in our sales We don’t um and as a say I’ll find the link. It’s you go make your own judgment call. Whether you think it’s a good thing or not but I just thought it was an innovative way of using the ai to yeah to to to to bridge that gap.

That’s interesting that was like oh what? a good idea I don’t think I’m going to go hire a V A to start spamming all the the businesses in my town but it is It is interesting to see creative uses for all this stuff. So.

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

Well with all that I imagine we could probably ah nerd out and it’s scary. Try to try to come up with scary scenarios all day long. But I think we’re going to probably wind this one down about ai but you know this is a quickly growing and evolving topic. So um, I’m sure we will revisit it in the future if not in a couple months probably. Um, but you know if you’re watching this on Youtube we would love to hear in the comments if you’ve got any any fun uses or creative uses of Ai that you’re using now if you have any fears you know feel free to share your thoughts I know this is a passionate topic for a lot of people. So um I look you know, even just. Like standing on the outside I look forward to seeing how it all evolves as a business owner having to deal with it I’m I’m also excited and nervous. But you know what I mean I’m I’m a nerd I love technology I love watching this stuff. Evolve. So it’s been pretty exciting.

Now I’m with you I’m with you. So yeah, if you’ve got if you got any thoughts. So if you you know if you think we’ve missed anything. Um, ah we we definitely did absolutely. Ah.

We did I’m not going to lie. We did.

But you know, Um, if you think we missed anything. Oh If you’ve got a different standpoint from the from the ethical point of views that we’ve talked about and I’d love to you know I’m not for one second saying that this is an episode where we’re saying we’re right? This is the way it should be. That’s the way it should be and that’s part of the beauty of this thing you know and and. Part of the beauty of being involved in the discussion of something that is this new is the fact that we can have these discussions and have them openly and have different opinions that we can respect.

Yeah, and I don’t know this discussion is going to lead to the evolution of Ai but discussions like these do so let’s keep having them.

Absolutely absolutely Well This has been a blastmate and if it’s all right? We you will do another one next week.

Sure I guess I mean we should probably hit 10

Ah, we can’t get to 9 I mean g it would it would be like stopping a episode 99 you know

Yeah, it was just it would just feel wrong. So now we’re not, we’re not going anywhere. We’re loving this. We’re having ah getting a lot of good feedback. So thank you for everybody and keep it coming because it boosts our egos the boost mine I’m the egotistical 1

Ah, well it boosts yours ah all late as everybody have a good.

See yeah.